Get the Funk Out!

As a fellow member of the She-Tribe you’ve experienced it - those days where you just feel gross. You have no motivation, nothing fits right or looks good. Maybe you’re feeling a little melancholy, bored or even sad. As much as you’re kickin’ ass in the world, sometimes the best of us just have yucky days. Yep, you know it – the FUNK. Here are a few tips to pull you out of that funk:

Get Movin’

It can be your favorite exercise routine or NOT. Go for a walk or my fave  - the  One-minute dance party! Pick your favorite song or use one of mine (See my Get Amped Playlist) and dance around. Be silly! Go crazy! Try a new move! Dancing gets your blood flowing, raises your energy level and is just a lot of damn fun!


Get Cute

Throw yourself together. Whether that’s throwin’ on your cute but comfy outfit or doing your makeup – “painting the barn” as I like to call it, getting dolled up for yourself, especially when you’re feeling bummy will instantly improve your mood. But, nothing fits?! Nothing looks good!. So go comfortable. Or shoot – go buy yourself a new outfit. Treat yo’ self!

Need inspiration on a new glam look? Check out my favorite YouTuber for makeup tutorials - Pixiwoo aka Sam & Nic Chapman

Get Cheesy

Look at your beautiful self in the mirror and smile. For thirty seconds, I dare you – Smile like a damn fool! Make a funny face at yourself. This sounds ridiculous, I know. But there’s science behind it. Emulating the emotion of happiness by smiling, actually tricks your body and mind into thinking you’re happy. Thus, your mood improves. Sneaky, I know!

Get Social

No, not social media – call your girlfriends and get out of the house! If you don’t have anyone available, take yourself on a date. Try that restaurant you’ve been wanting to; go check out that trendy little coffee shop. Go roam the mall. If you’re out for an hour and you’re over it, you can always go home. I bet you won’t though!


You Got This!

For years, I have battled depression and I have found a couple of simple yet effective tricks to pull myself out of the darkness. This isn’t a cure or a band-aid - depression is real, and sometimes days are hard. But we don’t have to let it rule us. As with many, my biggest struggle with depression was feeling out of control. For me, these simple rituals have helped me take back control of my mood and my days. They may seem silly, but if nothing else, these tips will never add to your sadness. So fight the funk! Get Movin’, Get Cute, Get Cheesy and Get Social! Fight the FUNK!

Leave me a comment - tell me what tips you have to get yourself out of a funk!

If you want to see my silly dance moves, head over to my YouTube channel and see this video!