Great Nights Lead to Great Mornings: How to Develop the Perfect Nighttime Routine

There are a ton of articles, blog posts, and even books about how to have a “great morning,”, and I love them all! But, I believe great days and great mornings all begin with great nights. Here are my 5 simple tips on how to set yourself up for the best morning by having a solid nighttime routine!

Step 1 - Plan Ahead! 

Planning your day the night before is not only a great way to get pumped for tomorrow, but it also gets some of your “to-do’s” out of your head so they’re not swirling around your brain all night. Keep it simple! Jot down your Top 3 or Top 5 things you want to tackle the next day and set it aside.

Step 2 - Unplug!

Shut off all screens including your TV. This may be hard for you especially if you’re addicted to your phone, but all those crazy cat videos are disrupting your sleep! There’s actual science behind this. The blue light that comes from our phones, iPads, and even TV’s now is literally designed to keep our brains active. Data suggests that this light can have the same effect on your brain as caffeine. Screen Time before bed is affecting your ability to fall and stay asleep. So at least 30 minutes before bedtime, unplug. I even suggest setting your alarm and then placing your phone in another room. Do not sleep next to your phone! 

Step 3 - Wash Your Mug!

Having a solid nighttime hygiene routine is essential for feeling your best and getting ready for the best night of rest. Washing your face, brushing your teeth and putting on those comfy, cute jammies will mentally prepare your body to shut down for the night. I know I used to be terrible about taking my makeup off at night (gross!) and I would be super annoyed in the morning when I had one more thing to do. Not to mention waking up to my scary yesterday’s face! 

Step 4 - Write It Out!

If you don’t already, I highly recommend implementing some type of journaling ritual into your life. Even if it’s a quick recap of your day, random thoughts, or my favorite, gratitude statements, writing is a fabulous way to calm your mind before bed. It can help get all of the thoughts out that may be keeping you up at night. If you’re stressed or feeling overwhelmed, journaling is a perfect way to release! If you’re not a writer or you’re unsure where to start, writing a couple of things that you’re grateful for is a simple way to start your journal practice. There are also a ton of writing prompts out there if you want your journal to have more meat. 


I took my writing prompts from a fabulous book I read, “Awaken the Giant” by Tony Robbins. I adapted them a little to suit me, but feel free to use these as your own:

  • What did I learn today?

  • What did I contribute or improve?

  • What did I enjoy?

  • What were my small (or big) wins today?

Step 5 - Read! (A Real Book)

I will always encourage you to read. There is nothing so rich as to pick up a book and nourish your mind with great thoughts and new ideas. Plus, if you’re not a reader then it may actually make you tired and you’ll fall right to sleep. I recommend reading 15-20 minutes before bed and making this the last item on your nighttime ritual. It’s the perfect way to end the day. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, informative ideas, or anything that interests you. I strongly urge you to read a real book versus something on a screen. (remember you unplugged two steps ago!)

Don’t Forget!

Whenever implementing new rituals into your life, take it one day at a time. Don’t try to do all of it at once or you won’t stick to it. Also, writing down your rituals will help you remember the important things and also help you figure out what makes the most sense for your life. Your rituals will eventually become second nature. 

Rig the Game in Your Favor!


Make your nighttime routine enjoyable and easy to follow! Get yourself some amazing facewash and eyecream that you’ll be excited to slather on! Buy yourself some super cozy pajamas that you can’t wait to jump into. Set your coffee pot up the night before so your delicious cup of heaven is only a pour away! 

Before I had my nighttime routine, I would end my day feeling dead tired and plopping into bed with a full face of makeup and usually wearing the same gym clothes I had worn all day. I would struggle in the mornings to get my butt moving because I hadn’t slept well the night before. I have always been a morning person, but I was a slow starter. Once I developed the best night time rituals for myself, I realized how energetic and excited I was to get out of bed in the morning. I stick to these religiously, but I also have a life so it’s not always perfect. If I stray too far from the formula, I feel it in the morning and throughout my day. My nighttime routine has seriously leveled up my mornings and I bet it will for you too! 


By implementing a nighttime ritual using the simple steps above, you are setting yourself up for a solid night of sleep. You can definitely add more along the way, but start off by adding one or two of the steps so you don’t get overwhelmed and you’re more likely to stick to and enjoy your new nighttime ritual. Winding down for the night ensures you get the rest you need to be your best! Cheesy but true! Create the nighttime routine that sets you up for the best morning. Great nights lead to great mornings that turn into great days!

Want More?

Check out the Truthatude TV Episode “ Great Nights Lead to Great Mornings


My Nighttime Rituals

See my nighttime ritual below and feel free to try any and all of it for yourself!

  • shut off all screens (phone, tv, laptop, etc.)

    •  I set my wake alarm on my phone first - iPhone has an awesome bedtime feature - love it!

    • I highly recommend leaving your phone in another room, at the very least don’t keep it next to your bed

  • take my pup out for one last potty break

  • setup coffee pot for the morning (auto-brew alarm is amazing) so coffee is ready when I wake up

    • I am not human before my first sip of glorious bean power juice

  • take my vitamin (next to my coffee pot so I don’t forget)

  • Jammie time! (I’m a big believer in super cute, comfy pajamas aka jams!)

  • PM Hygiene Routine (take off makeup/wash face (don’t forget to moisturize that mug!), brush teeth, Retainer (so sexy, I know but it keeps my grill straight), 

  • Hop into bed with puppers 

  • Journal/Reflection

    • Journaling Questions Adapted from “Awaken the Giant” by Tony Robbins:

      • What did I learn today?

      • What did I contribute or improve?

      • What did I enjoy?

      • What were my small (or big) wins today?

      • How was my day great?

        (Great Day Criteria to come in next video!

  • Read 15 minutes of current book (or try to before dozing off)

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What are some of your nighttime rituals?