How to Get Ready for a Date

It’s totally natural to get nervous before a date, especially a first date. But, what if you could build a ritual to boost your confidence and get rid of those first-date jitters? You can!

Most women spend their time leading up to a date doing the usual: picking out the perfect outfit, putting on makeup, chatting with their girlfriends for advice, and obsessing over the what ifs. Instead you should be focusing on ways to empower yourself before a date.

If you want to learn how to get ready for a date and feel like your most confident self, we’ve got the perfect pre-date routine right here.


what to wear on a first date

Have a go-to first date outfit. Instead of stressing out about what to wear, if you’re having a “feeling gross day” or if it’s too sexy or not sexy enough, go through your closet and find what you feel the best in when you have an evening out with the girls.

Your cutest outfit (that fits even when you’re bloated). We all have one.

Once you’ve got that, pick another outfit - your second choice. This will give you options in case you’re not feeling Outfit #1 and will serve you when you need to find an option for the second date. It’s a win-win.

I recommend comfortable and flattering jeans with a flowy, feminine blouse that shows your pretty side, but is also appropriate for most atmospheres. Then throw on a pair of cute and comfy heels or flats.

Keep the jewelry simple and shiny. Less is more.

This is a versatile option for grabbing a drink downtown, having a casual dinner, or even seeing some live music at a local venue. You’ll look sexy but not showy, and comfort is key!

You don’t need to add any extra element of angst by wearing an uncomfortable outfit if you’re already nervous.

By having a designated outfit for first dates, you never have to stress about what to wear or running late because nothing fits.


When getting ready for a date, Get Your Body Movin’ & Groovin’

Create a pre-date playlist of your favorite pump-up songs to get you in your best mood and get you moving around. Get your heart rate up a bit and dance out the first-date jitters.

Dancing not only gets the endorphins going and boosts your mood, but it helps shake off a bit of your nervousness. Not to mention, you’ll have a bit of a natural glow.

Hanger=first-date jitters

Don’t let yourself get hangry before a date.

Eat a snack while getting ready for a date because you definitely do not want to risk getting hangry on your date.

Even if you’re going out to dinner, you don’t want to leave it to chance. Maybe you won’t like the food, or it may take a while to get to the restaurant, order, and be served.

Cover your bases and be your best-nourished self. Have a light healthy snack to tide you over.

Get Inspired & Out of Your Head


Watch inspiring videos or read an uplifting blog (insert shameless plug: TruthatudeTV) to get inspired and relaxed.

Read a book or magazine article 10-15 minutes leading up to the time to leave or until he picks you up—this is a lifesaver if the conversation goes dull or you get nervous and don’t know what to talk about.

You can always share with him what you’re currently reading. Plus, it’s ALWAYS good to be reading something.

One last thing…

To reduce the pressure you feel on whether or not he likes you or you like him, make your only mission at the end of the date to answer this single question: “If he asks me on another date, would I say ‘yes’?” 

That’s it. That’s the only thing you need to determine on a first date. (For more on this, see my post The Secret Cure to First Date Nerves).

Create Your Own Pre-Date Routine

When getting ready for a date, always have a strategy and create a ritual for your own empowerment.

Dating doesn’t have to be nerve-racking if you take some time to prepare. Put a plan in place to present your best self.

And always remember to have fun!

Check out my pre-date routine for a little inspiration!

  1. Before I do my hair/makeup, I meditate in gratitude for 10 minutes.

  2. I read my Value Statement (don’t have a Value Statement yet? Watch this - “How to Write Your Personal Value Statement”)

  3. After I do my makeup and hair, I throw on my go-to first date outfit and put on my favorite elephant bracelet.

  4. Then, I watch these videos in order:

  5. To boost my energy, I have a one-minute dance party to one of the songs on my "Get Amped" Playlist.

  6. Snack—Mini Babybel cheese and a handful of grapes or a piece of fruit.

  7. Read 10-15 minutes of my current book.

  8. As I drive to meet my date, I play this song in the car: Michael Buble’s “Haven’t Met You Yet.”

Of course, your ritual will be different, but feel free to borrow any of mine, and check out my Truthatude video: The Perfect Pre-Date Ritual

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