Post with Purpose

Stop!! Don’t post that!

We’ve all seen it in our newsfeed. That long, dramatic, passive-aggressive post towards somebody that clearly did one of our friends dirty. Now our sweet but hurting friend has shouted it from the metaphorical mountain tops of social media.

Nine chances out of ten, the perpetrator of the hurt will never see this nastygram aimed at them because they’ve been blocked or unfriended. Nonetheless, there it is in your feed prompting the eye-roll and forehead slap. We feel for our friend, We really do, but we also can’t stand the drama.

Now it’s your turn. 

You’ve been wronged, and now you’re a fierce keyboard warrior lashing out against your ex or your ex-friend. You're just about to hit “post” and then, you remember reading this. Don't do it!


I know you want revenge. I know you’re hurt; you want them to hurt too and be embarrassed. You may even be seeking a little sympathy from your online fandom, but there are better ways. You need to get out there and live your life! #bestlifeever

Don’t unfriend them or block them.

Instead, grab your girlfriends and hit the town. Reach out to some old friends – reconnect and re-established long-neglected relationships with old galpals. Fill your target’s newsfeed with pictures of you loving your life without them. Take aim at them by going to the places you enjoyed together and making new and better memories without them. Reclaim the sacred spots you shared as your own with new friends.

Go out and live your life!


I’m definitely not telling you to fake an incredible existence. I’m merely challenging you to choose a better path. Use this hurt as a motivating force. Instead of sulking on social media and becoming that girl, get jazzed up and reframe this as a new opportunity.

Chances are, your life is a million times better without them. You will miss them, and that’s okay. If they’re meant to be in your life, seeing you enjoying yours will prompt them to make every effort to get back in. It’s a win-win all around.

So whether it’s an old boyfriend or a friend turned enemy, don’t post your drama on social media. Post with a purpose; show them that your awesome life goes on without them. Make them miss being a part of it!

Post with positivity and with purpose.

Your friends will love you for it and your enemies will envy you for it! Besides your selfie is way cuter with a smile!!