Welcome to truthatude!

Truthatude is a lifestyle coaching platform dedicated to empowering women like you by helping you to discover your personal truth, to own your story as your power source and to develop deeply-rooted confidence.

Confidence Coaching is something every woman needs more of in their life. Boost your self-esteem and get to where you want to be in every aspect of your life.

Whether you’re looking for guidance in your love life, need help managing your relationships with family and friends, or you just need help when it comes to resetting your life goals, Truthatude is just what you need.

What Is a Confidence Coach?

A confidence coach is someone who helps you reach your full potential. I help you boost your self-esteem, unlock your true desires, and teach you how to go after them in both your life and your career.

Many women are held back by societal and workplace norms and struggle to move past these limitations without a push. A confidence coach is just the push you need! I can help you clarify what you want out of your life and put a plan in place for how to get it.

Helpful Tips From Truthatude

Why You Need Truthatude In Your Life

Truthatude is all about honesty and above all, being honest with yourself.

It’s often our fears that are holding us back, but when you finally get real with yourself about what you want—in work, in love, and in life—that’s when you’ll be ready to grow.

With helpful blogs and videos about navigating everyday life, Truthatude puts the truth right in your face where you can’t hide from it.

If you’re ready to get real with yourself and get serious about putting your life on the track you want it to be on, then Truthatude is for you.

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Meet Lindsey

I’m Lindsey Servin, and I’m so happy you’re joining the Truthatude Tribe.

I love being a confidence coach, helping women unlock their power and reach their full potential.

Check out my blogs, watch a few videos, and reach out to chat!


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Truthatude TV


(new episodes monthly)

Gentlemen, I haven’t forgot about you. I dedicate this project especially for men because educating men empowers women! Here’s your VIP access inside the female mind!

Check out the latest episode of Insid(H)er podcast!


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