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What Makes a Great Day? How to Build Your Best Day Checklist

We’ve all had terrible days. We’ve gotten nothing done, something bad happens or we fuck up in a major way.

Maybe you had a shitty morning, but does it have to ruin your whole day?

What if you could unplug and reboot? When you know your criteria for a great day, you can check in at any moment and reset the tone for your day.

How will you reset? When today is over will you be able to say, “it was a good day?” 

At the end of the night as you’re hopping into bed, what makes you think, “hmm, today was a good day?” Or are you plopping in your bed, dead tired at the end of a long day only to have your nagging to-do list keep you tossing and turning all night? What makes you feel accomplished at the end of the day? 

This sounds like a strange question to ask...

...but you’d be surprised to find out just how many people struggle to define what a great day looks like for them. Most people will rattle off their to-do list and evaluate the quality of their day on whether or not they were able to cross off every item. 

But is that all you want out of life? To cross off daily tasks? Well, if you’re reading this, then I bet not. I would bet that you’re the type of person who wants more out of life - a genuine feeling of fulfillment. So how do we get there? 

Let’s first take a stab at that pesky to-do list. 

Don’t get me wrong, I live by my to-do list and love the feeling of checking off the items I’ve conquered. The important thing here is what’s on that list. Is it simply a laundry list of household and lifestyle chores. Or does it include activities that nourish your well-being?

What if we trimmed down that list to your top 3?

By that I mean, each night I want you to write your to-do list and then at the very top, write your Top 3 - these are the tasks that if nothing else on your list gets done, these are the priorities. These are the have-to, must-be-done’s. If you only get to these 3 things, you will get a good night’s rest. 

I know that narrowing it down to just 3 can be a scary thought. Especially if you live in the space that “everything is a priority” but if you’ve been doing the inner work I encourage, you’re moving out of that space more and more each day. 

Now I want you to create a new list -

This will take a bit more thinking and will be the same list everyday. It’s not a end-all-be-all or must-do list, but more of a guide to remind you to self-care throughout your day, each day. This is your “Great Day Criteria” Checklist.

Settle into your favorite contemplation space, your reading/writing nook and grab your favorite beverage. Put on some focus music and dive in! I want you to think about a few things that must happen each day for you to feel like you enjoyed your life, felt accomplished, things that brought you joy or a sense of fulfillment. 

For example...

I have to practice gratitude in some form everyday. This keeps me grounded, and I believe it keeps abundance flowing in my life. I also need to get outside everyday in some way. 

Now the purpose of this list is not to give you another checklist, but more so to make sure you’re taking care of you. It’s a reminder that if this list doesn’t happen, the other household/lifestyle lists will suffer too. This is the list that matters. It nurtures you so you can be the best you for you and for your loved ones. 

Not everything will happen everyday, but strive to hit most. Keep your list short and simple; you’ll find that it takes less than you think to have a great day.

Sometimes we need concrete tools to help us stay on track.

This list is just that. At the end of each night and the beginning of each morning, you can look at the list and be mindful to aim for each item. Now of course, not every single thing will happen or be possible every single day. It’s just a guide - a gentle reminder to love yourself a little each day. 

This list is especially great for...

...when something bad happens in your day or everything feels like it fell apart or you didn’t quite get everything done that you wanted.  You can look back at your list and check in to see that you were at least able to have some joy and nourishment.

It’s also a great tool to check in with yourself during the day, especially if you’re struggling. You can stop where you’re at and try to incorporate something on your list and reset. It will help turn your day around - a kind of starting-over-point for the rest of your day.

For ideas on what each of these tips looks like in action, check out:

My Morning Great Day Checklist:

  • Meditation/Prayer/Gratitude

  • Move My Body

  • Music

  • 2 Hours of Dedicated Work or Deliberate Practice

  • Nurture My Mind with Great Thoughts/Seek New Knowledge

  • Genuine Connection with Another Person/Be Social

  • Get Outside

  • Progress in a Personal Goal


If you want to get the most out of each day, creating your “Great Day” Criteria is the perfect way to ensure you are nourishing yourself as well as kicking ass! You can crush all your to-do’s and still have an awesome day even if things go wrong by simply incorporating some of these simple self-care tips in your day. What makes your day great? 

Want more? 

If you’re struggling with creating a “Great Day” because you still haven’t figured out your best mornings or evenings yet, check out my other blogs: “Great-fu Mornings” and “Great nights Lead to Great Mornings”. You can also watch the Truthatude TV Episodes Here.


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